Reasons Your Shower Leaks And Why You Need A Professional Installer
If you ignore a leaking shower for too long, it might rot the floor of your bathroom or perhaps the foundation of your house. So, what exactly triggers a shower leak, and can it be stopped? It’s possible that your shower developed a leak for a number of factors.
Water leaks, on the other hand, are guaranteed to wreck your house. If you don’t fix the leak quickly, it will spread throughout your home’s structure. To protect your largest investment, you should give it the same frequent care you provide to your automobile. Still, have you ever considered the source of the leak in the shower? The following are some of the most prevalent reasons for shower leaks, as well as the easiest to avoid with the assistance of a trained expert.
1. Absence of seal
You have discovered that there is no silicone sealant present in the inside corners of your shower walls. The possibility of leaks in your shower is increased. Silicone wears out over time. Water from the shower, cleaning supplies, and foot traffic all add up to a constant stream of pressure. All of these factors lead to the breakdown and eventual failure of your silicone. If the silicone begins to separate from the wall or develops mould, it is no longer usable.
2. Waterproof membrane fails
Your home’s balconies and other moist surfaces are sealed off with a waterproofing membrane. The membrane’s construction prevents water from seeping through to the environment. Australia has rules that must be followed while applying waterproofing.
Planning a remodel or new construction? Familiarize yourself with the relevant regulations beforehand. Know that updates are made to these scripts as well. In order to maintain familiarity with modern practices in architecture. To reminisce, frameless shower screens weren’t a fad back in the day.
When constructing or remodelling a bathroom, a compliance certificate is now often required by most authorities. In an effort to reduce the frequency with which waterproofing fails. There are still constraints on the efficacy of the watertight barrier, despite the existence of rules.
Make sure the water proofer you choose uses high-quality materials. In a similar vein, best practices must be utilized.
3. Trouble with grout
The most common type of grout used in bathrooms and showers is cement-based grout. The reason is, it’s simple to implement and inexpensive. The material is also easily chipped, stained, and mouldy. Because of its inflexibility, cement grout will split under the strain of any construction movement. The grout will eventually disintegrate as the tiny hairline gaps widen. If you examine the walls and floor on a regular basis, you can catch problems before they become serious.
Any cracks or gaps in the grout on the shower floor can let water seep in under the tiles and cause a serious problem. Water trapped below tiles might cause mould growth in the great lines. Shower bases that leak is a typical issue, especially in multi-family housing.
4. Faulty faucet
An old or broken faucet or shower head is another common cause of water damage. It might be challenging to repair broken pipes if they are hidden under cement boards and sealant. Because of this, getting to the pipes is more of a hassle. If you’re renovating your bathroom and want to rest easy knowing that you have one less thing to worry about (leaking), have the pros install a new shower head assembly.
5. Hidden water behind walls
Water leaks beneath the shower wall are trickier to detect. Cases include a broken pipe or a disconnected part. There will be water damage behind the walls if one of these occurs. It will not be visible until it breaks through the base and plaster.
It’s always best to let the experts handle situations like these. Professional plumbers can accurately identify the source of the leaking shower and provide a lasting solution.
6. Caulk crumbling
Any cracks in the caulking surrounding your shower’s floor might cause water to seep through. If you’re a typical DIYer, you’ve probably tried your hand at caulking only to realize how difficult it is to achieve a seamless, aesthetically pleasing, and waterproof seal. If you find gaps or cracks in your caulking, it’s best to call a professional as soon as possible so they can seal everything up again.
7. Leaking drains
To test if there are leaks, just take off the tape covering the drain. The drain is usually the source of the issue. A leaky shower is most often caused by a clogged drain. If you get an expert involved, fixing this shouldn’t be too much of a hassle.
It’s strongly suggested that you contact a plumber to fix the leak in your shower. The plumber will have to evaluate the situation and decide how to continue. Accessing the plumbing below the floor may require tearing up the floor on occasion. The answer to this question is dependent on the plumbing and drain configuration in your home. In any case, a qualified technician should perform the necessary repairs.
Some issues might arise from a leaking shower, and you should be aware of them. A lack of vigilance in addressing such concerns might lead to a variety of complications. Mould growth is a frequent consequence of leaky showers. The health risks and unpleasantness of a bathroom with mould are obvious. If you call plumbers as soon as you discover a leak, you may stop the situation before it gets out of hand.