Home Exterior Maintenance Tips
You may often think about interiors when it comes to renovating your home. Whether it’s the kitchen, bathroom or adding an extra room — focusing only on interiors isn’t always the solution for good home maintenance.
You need to give equal focus to the exteriors — to not only make it aesthetically pleasing but also functional. With proper exterior maintenance, you can avoid unexpected repairs, ensure high security, and keep your home investment protected.
You have to make sure that you are getting the most out of your homeownership, and here’s how you can do it with the maintenance tips mentioned below:
Make sure your external cladding is in good shape
External cladding is an extra layer added to your exteriors to protect your home from harsh weather, provide insulation, add security and make it more beautiful. So as part of exterior maintenance, you have to keep the cladding in good shape.
Depending on the material you used, follow the relevant care methods to prolong the life of the cladding. If you are unsure of what to do, consult the professionals who installed your cladding to know more about the maintenance tips.
Clean out your gutters and windows regularly
Gutters are prone to gather dust, debris, dirt, animal droppings, etc. If you don’t clean the gutters regularly, the water from the roof will not have a proper movement and gets collected in the middle. It leads to unexpected leaks, builds moisture and attracts insects like mosquitoes, flies, etc. It makes your exterior unhygienic and dangerous to wander at night.
While cleaning gutters, take a step ahead and clean the windows as well. Remove dried leaves, swipe neatly the glasses and vacuum the dust present on the window sills.
Take advantage of power washing
Power washing the siding and driveway is a fun job that you can enjoy doing on weekends. It’s so satisfying to watch the dust coming off the surface and see the shiny layer underneath it. When using the power washer, make sure you have complete knowledge of its usage. Don’t point the washer towards people or delicate objects as the water pressure causes serious damage.
Paint over any peeling layers
A simple but effective exterior maintenance tip is to add a new coat of paint. Recoating with the same colour or adding a new shade will give your home a fresh and renovated look. You can either choose to paint the whole exterior or over any peeling layers. It depends on the urgency and the budget you have at the moment.
Consider painting or staining your front deck/fencing
If you have outdoor entertaining units like a deck, porch, and patio, consider painting them. Choose a colour that enhances the theme of your home or you can stain the surface for a polished look, especially if you have wooden structures. Renovating the outdoor structures is an important part of your exterior maintenance that not only beautifies but also adds value to your home.
Clean up your front yard or garden
A garden or a well-designed front yard immediately attracts the attention of people passing by your home. Always clean your front yard by removing debris, weed plants, and other dust that accumulates. If you have a driveway, make sure the path is strong, visible and well-maintained. Keeping the front yard clean makes you feel welcome and pleasant whenever you enter your home.
Don’t ignore repair works
When you are checking the exteriors, if you notice any damage or any structure showing signs of wear and tear, perform the repair work immediately. You don’t want the problem to worsen, which it will if you ignore or postpone the repair. Make note of the repairs that need immediate attention and get the experts to repair them.
Final thoughts
Upgrading your home is not always about interiors. Make sure the external part of your home is well-maintained to protect the structural integrity of your home. Plan the maintaining tasks throughout the year and perform them as per a schedule. You can also do them as part of a fun weekend activity with your family.