Cleaning Kitchen Cabinets

Roger Smith
4 min readOct 8, 2021

When it comes to house cleaning the kitchen often needs the most attention. Now, in any kitchen space, cabinets are the focal point, and people notice them first while walking into the kitchen. Due to its functionality, the cabinet is the top spot to attract fingerprints, stains, watermarks and grease accumulation.

If you don’t clean cabinets regularly, then those stains can become tougher over time. Luckily, by sticking to a proper cabinet cleaning routine and using the right cleaning products, you can clean those stubborn stains. Here are some top tips to keep in mind when choosing new cabinets for your kitchen renovation.

One should divide the cabinet cleaning sessions into two parts, namely, spot clean sessions and deep clean sessions. Select the cleaning products according to the type of the cabinets surface, such as painted, wood, laminate or glass.

Let’s learn more about the cleaning of kitchen cabinets:

When to Clean Your Kitchen Cabinets?

Rather than dealing with stubborn stains, you can stick to this two-part cleaning method:

Weekly: It’s better to clean your cabinets weekly rather than daily. Use microfiber cloth along with a cleaning solution to remove fingerprints and other marks.

Seasonally: One should always deep clean their cabinets every 3–4 months. Make this cleaning session a thorough one by removing all the content and cleaning it inside out.

There are different types of cabinet surfaces and the cleaning method for each surface type differs. The following are some of the most effective cleaning methods used for different cabinets types.

Cleaning Methods for Different Cabinet Types:

  1. Painted Cabinets

Modern kitchen designs make use of different colour combinations. Painted cabinets are more prevalent. You can redo the colour at any time and can change the layout of the kitchen space. Now, any paint project requires its fair share of maintenance. And for cleaning painted cabinets, you can use the following tips:

● You can prepare your budget-friendly cleaner. You just need water and baking soda. Mix water and baking soda in a 1:2 ratio. Using a cotton cloth, apply the paste on the stains, let it sit for a few minutes and wipe it clean.

● For cleaning grease off painted cabinets, you need dampened cloth and diluted ammonia. Use a diluted solution using cloth and clean the stains until it’s removed or is less visible.

  1. Wood Cabinets

It’s always difficult to clean any wood cabinets because they come in different finishes and a variety of seals. You need to be careful while cleaning wooden cabinets as these seals differ when it comes to durability. It’s always better to stick to gentle cleaning solutions with wood cabinets. For cleaning wood cabinets, you can use the following tips:

● Using oil soap is the best way to clean wood cabinets. They are effective in cleaning the stains and help to shine the cabinet. This non-abrasive solution will refresh the look of your cabinets.

● While cleaning wood cabinets, make sure that you are using a damp cloth and not a soaked one. Excessive saturation of liquid can affect the wood surface.

● Also, to polish the wood cabinets, always use a dry microfiber cloth.

  1. Laminate Cabinets

Out of all the cabinet types, laminate cabinets are the easiest to clean. Its surface responds well to all the cleaners. Also, unlike other cabinet types, they require less maintenance. Just wipe down its surface every week, and you are good to go. You can follow these tips for cleaning laminate cabinets:

● You can clean stains with an all-purpose cleaning solution or diluted vinegar.

● Like painted cabinets, you can prepare a paste of baking soda and water for laminate cabinets as well. Apply the paste, let it set in and wipe it clean.

● Make sure that you are not using any abrasive cleaning pads as they can create scratches on their surface.

  1. Glass Cabinets

Although you won’t find any cabinet entirely made of glass, it is mixed with wood or laminate structure to create a paned cabinet door. Glass surface is easier to clean. You just have to make sure that the cleaning solution you are using doesn’t harm the adjacent cabinet material. The following tips can come in handy:

● Use glass cleaner and a polishing cloth to deal with fingerprints stains and other marks.

● Always make sure that you are cleaning the glass surface inside-out.

● On the adjacent cabinet material, avoid using oil-based cleaners as they can leave streaks on the glass surface.

Also Lighting a kitchen correctly can be a challenge due to the many purposes that the space serves. Read different approaches you can take to lighting your kitchen and creating the ideal centrepiece for your family home.

These kitchen cabinet cleaning tips will come in handy and will make sure that they are sparkling clean. You just need to stick to a proper cleaning cycle and use appropriate cleaning methods for different cabinets, and you are good to go.



Roger Smith

I Am Roger Smith from Australia. with Years of Experience, I Share My Knowledge in Terms of Articles.